lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Chinita´s Fair Final Project

This is the final project! A virtual exposition of La Chinita`s Fair! We made this Exposition in the URBE EFL Center in Second Life. We decided to make a Stand and put it in the middle of the place, it has to faces, it is like a triptic.

Main features of the event


The format of this project is an stand with the form of a tryptic, it also have an oval form in the top of it that move. Has a simple diagram, vertical, using a lot of images, the reticle has tree columns in vertical.

Design determiners:

Image Style: The determiner of this stand is the using of the typical colors and shapes of the fair, also using images taken of the monument representatives.

Color: The determiner of the color was vivid colors, like blue or reds.

Fonts: We use Serif typography with ornaments.

Graphic elements: We use photographs and vectors.

Graphemes: We use vectorisation of the monument of la chinita for a poster, and images with special effects.

Visual Rhetoric: We use the sinecdoque because it expresses the part for all.

Semiotic: We use it in the symbols of la chinita, in the pictures. We also use paradigmatic relatiens where signs get meaning from their association with other signs.

Advertising: The message that we use was ``chinita`s fair``, because it is consistent and leaves you just right to the meaning of the project.

Graphic Concept

Our 3 meaningful terms were: Inspiring, religion and fair.

Sistagmatic relation: This was stablich by the meaning of the fair la chinita and the history of the fair.

Here we have some T-Shirt we have made for the Chinita's Fair also a P.O.P. Material!!  in two diferents context and colors orange and white/black.

I hope you liked our work for the chinita´s fair!!!

That the power of the light iluminates your way 

My 3D Stand For The Chinita´s Fair Final Project!

This is my work for the chinita´s fair, its a tridimentional stand with 6 face!! it has nice pictures and textures!!! also it has nice colors. Its 100% interactive everything give you a note card answering your questions about what you see!

This stand was made in Second Life with the building tool, its a very nice tool with this tool you can made everything even houses, castles, chairs, etc.

Good luck to all my friends with the Chinita´s fair!
That the power of the light iluminates always your way.!!!

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011


Greetings to eveyone I visited at second life, was a veyr veyr interesting place the teacher Pionia gave us this land mark for visit and have a great time, well i did have a great time exploring and watching all the interesting creations was there!!! here i leave some pictures of the place and the creatings !! all was very nice and 3D colorfull.

I think was a really nice  place with a lot of interestin and sicodely art!! i see the manage of colors like a tool of our career, there was a strongful color manage very interesting and good mande...

 This was my favorite art, I pick it because i like 3d box colors and the animation was really fun and interesting how they reorganized and fall down.. very nice work i loved!!

I hope you liked, and visit the place its a really great place and very nice to explore!!!
That the power of the light iluminates always your way!

Virtantlis Class!!!

Greetings my friends i was at virtlantins practicion the pronunciations of some words, was a really great class. virtlantis its a really nice place, you can learn french and english!!!

Video pronouncing dictionary
(C) Wlodek Barbosa

A number of words difficult to pronounce have been selected from: Your task is to prepare a mini lesson in pronunciation, based on the words given to you (which ones you get will depend on how many students turn up). This may be of any form and content you desire, as long as it is connected with the words you got. For example, with "abandoned" you may like to teach your colleagues about the pronunciation of the end of it: is it /-ndənd/, /-ndənəd/, or /-ndnd/? What other words like this are there? Is the [-ed] past-tense ending *ever* pronounced? If you like, you may use the contents of the video pronouncing dictionary for your lesson. Try to keep it short, however!

1.    abandoned
2.    advertisement
3.    also
4.    analysis
5.    aunt
6.    awesome
7.    beard
8.    bowl
9.    clothes
10.    comfortable
11.    Edinburgh
12.    environment
13.    February
14.    flour
15.    garage
16.    Illinois
17.    iron
18.    issue
19.    lettuce
20.    miscellaneous
21.    pronunciation
22.    psalm
23.    read
24.    route
25.    salmon
26.    schedule
27.    though

I hope you liked and learn some about pronunciation some words!!
that the power of the light iluminates always your way!!

Other class with Nimlot Logan a awesome teacher!! lesson 4

Greeting my friends here i leave you the note that Nimlot gave me, this was the pronuntiation class!! please read and enjoy the class.

Plane - Plan: Learning the /eɪ/ and the /æ/ sounds.

When we say the letters of the alphabet the letter A has the long vowel sound /eɪ/, we say this sound when we pronounce the word 'plane'. But A can also be pronounced as the short vowel /æ/, as in the word 'plan'.

Let's compare the sound /eɪ/ with other sounds and realise the differences:
meat - mate - met
come - came - calm
white - wait - wet

In spelling: We frequently have /eɪ/ with the following letter combinations:
1. a-consonant-e: mate
2. ey: grey
3. ai - wait
4. ea - great

Now let's compare the sound /æ/ with other sounds.
mud - mad - made
sing - sang - sung
pen - pan - pain

In spelling: We frequently have /æ/ with the following letter combinations:
1. a-consonant: cat (But if there is an 'R' after 'A' and this 'R' has no vowel sound after it, the sound of this 'A' will be /ɑː/)

Important observation: In most English accents, these words have the vowel /æ/: ask, dance, task, castle, bath, fast among others, but in South East England, speakers replace the sound /æ/ to /ɑː/.


1. These words all have the vowel sound /æ/. Change them to /eɪ/ using the same consonants.

1. at
2. mad
3. man
4. pan
5. tap
6. ran
7. hat
8. plan

2.  Listen and decide which vowel sound is different.

a. sad - mad- fade - jab
b. far - fat - fag - bag
c. watch - catch - patch - land
d. rain - said - maid- paid
e. case -name - care - fake
f. break - great - heat - weight

I hope you did learn some about this class!! thanks best greetings.
That the power of the light iluminates always your way!!

Building my Stand for the chinita´s fair

Greetings my friends, here i was building my stand for the chinita´s fair!!

with the build tool i made the 3 face very nice and interesting, you can change the size and the colors even the texture!! so try it and you will do a great work for the chinia´s fair!!

that the power of the light iluminates your way!

Ready for a job interview...

If you dont know what to do in a job interview, well let me give you some advices so u will know what to do!!

1.What happens during a "job interview"?
Sometimes a job interview is a few minutes talking ,meet and greet chatting and then getting into the meat of the interview .

2.What should I wear for my job interview?
Always dress very professionally for every interview.

3.What are the key do's and don'ts for a great interview?
The first thing you can do in an interview is to make a great impression and always smile. This will set a very positive tone for the rest of the interview.

4.How do I handle an interview in a restaurant or cafe?
Employers will ask you to have a meal so you have to know your dining etiquette, you have to stay focused on you interviewer and speak at an audible level.

5.What do I do when more than one person is interviewing me?
It's important to make sure that you adapt your communication style to both of those individuals.

6.What are good tips for a telephone interview?
The best thing to do is to make sure that you are very high energy, upbeat, you use a lot of inflection in voice, and, because that's all you have to make that great first impression is your voice. So that really needs to sell you in a phone interview and also find out from the employer what again is it that they're really looking for in terms of this position. Make sure you have your resume close to you.

7.Can a potential employer ask me to take a lie detector test?
Lie detector tests are illegal 99% of the time.

8.How can I rescue an interview that I know is going poorly?
Best thing to do is to take a couple of steps back. Some of the tips to save an inteweview are: Ask the interviewers for directives, regroup and revive your energy
to jump back into the interview.

9.What are illegal questions that an employer should not ask me?
Employers are not allowed to ask any questions relating to ethnicity, family status, childbearing status, anything that relates to culture, gender, family status, anything like that.

10.How do I handle the end of the interview?
This is where you really have the opportunity to shine, be nice and never stop smiling

11.What do I do if an employer doesn't call me back after an interview?
If they don't call you. Don't be shy about calling them. It's very important for you to be proactive about your career search.

Best greetings and i hope this advices help you guys..

That the power of the light iluminates your way!!