sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011


Greetings to eveyone I visited http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UWA%20Winthrop/209/128/248 at second life, was a veyr veyr interesting place the teacher Pionia gave us this land mark for visit and have a great time, well i did have a great time exploring and watching all the interesting creations was there!!! here i leave some pictures of the place and the creatings !! all was very nice and 3D colorfull.

I think was a really nice  place with a lot of interestin and sicodely art!! i see the manage of colors like a tool of our career, there was a strongful color manage very interesting and good mande...

 This was my favorite art, I pick it because i like 3d box colors and the animation was really fun and interesting how they reorganized and fall down.. very nice work i loved!!

I hope you liked, and visit the place its a really great place and very nice to explore!!!
That the power of the light iluminates always your way!

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